Focus on Expats Services
You moved to Austria recently or received a letter from the tax authorities? Are you interested in your tax status and filing requirements? You need tax filings for appyling for the Austrian citizenship? We may help.
Based on our experience in international taxation, structuring, and cross-border matters, we offer comprehensive services to expatriats. We analyse your tax and legal situation, provide tax and legal advice regarding your private, business, employment and investment matters, and support expatriats in filing tax returns and in tax proceedings.
For current projects see: /tax
Austria is a relatively small country with an international community and international organizations. Cross-border issues are therefore common. Additionally, tax authorities nowadays work closely together and report income received in one country to other countries. To help you finding answers to your questions, find below a first guidance to the Austrian Tax System.
If you are interested in more information please get in contact with us:
T +43 1 992 976 9-000