Partner for Advisors & Professionals

As a law firm specialized in tax, structuring, and corporate matters, we regularly provide our services to other advisors as equal partner (peer consulting). Among our regular clients are well-known and established tax advisors, attorneys and accountants. We may also provide our services directly to professionals, including entrepreneurs or private clients.

We are here for you to prepare the essential tax and legal basis for important decisions, extend your service portfolio, discuss tax and legal issues between advisors or professionals and provide you with a second opinion to reduce risks and liabilities.

Expert Advice in Tax, Corporate and Accounting Matters

We gained expertise in the areas tax law, international taxation, corporate and accounting – also in complex matters. We therefore may support you in more difficult to complex questions in these areas. We are here to discuss critical matters to provide you with possible solutions or more comfort in your own opinion to avoid costly and unnecessary pitfalls.

We are aware that an extended budget is not always available for every question. Nevertheless, we help to find a solution making it worth under a cost-benefit analysis.

Establishment, Reorganization and Liquidation of Companies

We may help you in structuring the domestic or cross-border untertakings, establishing companies or branches, carry out reorganizations or amendments of the corporate structure (merger, demerger, contributions, capital increases or decreases, amendment of articles of association).

We help and guide you from the planning and structuring phase to the execution and post-execution phase. We may support you from a tax and legal perspective.

Corporate Transactions and Business Succession

We may support in transactions by way of asset or share deals or real estate transfers from a tax and legal perspective. From the first steps through the negotiation and due diligence phases to the contract drafting, and from signing to closing to post-closing phase. We help you in all phases to get the best out for you.

We also provide services in business successions, especially for family-owned businesses. For that purpose we are part of a platform for independent business and legal advisors at

Restructuring in a Corporate Crisis and Insolvency

During a corporate crisis or in insolvency proceedings special tax and legal rules apply. Restructurings that have a strong impact on the future may be necessary. Corporate crises and insolvency proceedings therefore require special knowledge from a tax, legal and business perspective.

We are here to help in these critical phases to make the right decisions and avoid liabilities and criminal prosecution.

Estate Planning and Structuring, Holdings, Private Foundations

We are supporting entrepreneurs and private clients on how to structure their wealth in an optimized way from a tax and legal perspective. We help finding the right structure, draft the documents necessary and implement the structure.

Whether you would like to structure your holdings via establishing a holding company, you plan establishing a private foundation or you look into the future in regard to your inheritance – we may help you from a tax and legal perspective.

If you are interested in more information please get in contact with us:

T +43 664 999 31956